CMS: The Analytics Menu - Company, Scenarios & Calling Data
The WorkLink CMS allows WorkLink CMS Administrators and Analysts to view company data under the Analytics Menu.
Note: This is available for customers on cloud deployments. If you are using an On-Premise Deployment of WorkLink, you will need to leverage GraphQL API queries. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.
Company Analytics
Click on Analytics in the side-navigation bar and then click on Company to view Company Analytics. This provides the following data:
- Monthly Active Users - Shows the number of unique users active each month.
- Weekly Active Users - Shows the number of unique users active each week.
- Count of Logins per Week - Shows the number of users that have logged into the WorkLink App each week.
Scenarios (Work Instructions) Analytics
Click on Analytics in the side-navigation bar and then click on Scenarios to view Scenarios Analytics. This provides the following data:
- Weekly Count of Scenario sessions and Total Session Duration - Shows the count of scenario sessions accessed each week and the total session duration across all scenarios.
- Weekly Average Duration of Sessions Per Scenario in Minutes - Shows the average time spent across all users that created a session for a scenario in the given week. Time is displayed in minutes.
- Weekly Count of Sessions and Total Session Duration Per Scenario - Shows the number of sessions for a scenario and the total duration in minutes spent per week.
- Weekly Sessions Per User - Shows the total number of sessions per user and the total duration in minutes spent per week.
- Weekly Scenario Session Durations by Sequence - Shows the weekly duration in minutes per sequence in each scenario. Only sequences where the total duration is more than one minute are shown.
- Weekly New User Session Completion Rate - Shows the new users that have launched a scenario for the first time in the given week. The new users are reported once across your selected date range.
- Weekly Completed Scenario Sessions per User - Shows the users that have completed >97% of the steps in each scenario by name.
- Weekly Sessions per Scenario Per User - Shows the number of sessions each user created per published scenario each week.
Note: Click on the Calendar drop down to filter data based on specific dates. Use the download icon in the top right corner of each report to download preferred file formats (Available formats are .csv, .xlsx, .json).
Calling (Remote Assistance) Analytics
Click on Analytics in the side-navigation bar and then click on Calling to view Calling Analytics. This provides the following data:
- Total Calls - Shows call count across the entire company within selected dates.
- Total Calling Minutes - Shows the total calling minutes across the entire company within selected dates.
- Weekly Call Count and Total Call Duration - Shows the count and total minutes of all calls grouped by week.
- Weekly Remote Assistance Tech Call Rating - Shows the call rating across all calls as submitted by the Tech in a given week.
- Numbers of Guest Calls per week per Expert- Shows the number of guest calls each expert received in a given week.
- Placed and Received Calls per User by Date - Shows the number of calls placed vs. the number of calls answered per user in a given week.
- Call Summary Table (New Feedback Only) - Shows a summary of each call per user. Details captured here include: Session ID, call date, duration, names of the call participants, WorkLink App versions of the participants, Device models for the participants.
Note: Click on the Calendar drop down to filter data based on specific dates. Use the download icon in the top right corner of each report to download preferred file formats (Available formats are .csv, .xlsx, .json).