Introducing WorkLink CMS 3.0.1
New Features
The Help & Support Link now points to the content for the new UI - The Help & Support Link was pointing to the Zendesk knowledge base for the old UI. This now points to the content for the new UI.
Support for Google Analytics - Back-end hooks have been added to enable connections to Google Analytics so we can begin gathering system usage data. This will help us understand how users are using the CMS and where we need to improve it.
Added support for MySQL 8.0 - The CMS was previously using a much older version of MySQL as its back-end database. In order to upgrade this to MySQL 8.0, certain changes needed to be made to be compatible with that version of the database server.
Added support for MariaDB for On-Premise - The new UI content had compatibility issues with MariaDB which is the database system used for some of our on-premise installations. This was preventing us from including CMS 3.0.0 or greater in on-premise upgrades. This has now been resolved and we can include the latest versions of CMS in on-premise deliverables.
Added configurable session types for scenario sessions - New app features required the ability for scenario sessions to have a session type independent of the scenario type. This has now been added to support those app features.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our Support team through the Scope AR Help Center.