Create Authoring: Customizing Your Experience
Observing our desks, our desktop background and our focus music, it's clear we each have a unique approach to being productive. The ability to customize your environment can mean the difference between a session of clear, zen-like creativity and trying to decide which item within reach will be easiest to replace after its thrown from a second story window. Worklink Create offers a reasonable number of customization options both within the workspace layout and through the preferences menu. This tip will show you where those options are and, hopefully, aid in keeping all items safely on the desktop.
The first aspect of workspace customization comes from adjusting the workspace layout. We already have a detailed video on how to intact with this system here.
The second part of customizing your workspace and workflow comes from the preferences menu, available under Edit -> Preferences.
This menu is broken into six categories:
- General: Here you can toggle on and off autosave or adjust it's interval (very useful for larger projects where a longer interval can reduce interruptions), edit the display units, disable tooltips and even change your Sceneview background color (I knew an author who set it bright pink to match their personal aesthetic)
- Keyboard Shortcuts enables viewing and adjusting keyboard shortcuts
- Asset Library allows the silencing of additional dialogues when deleting or editing (look out!)
- Sequence Editor customizes which connections are show by default
- Timeline Editor allows adjustment of defaults for everything from timebar length to highlight sphere color/size to timebar color (this can be a significant time saver when your workflow demands a rigid color scheme)
- Object Properties allows for customization of default callout properties
Know these settings exist and adjusting them to your preference can remove friction from your workflow, unlock latent creativity, and even allow Create to match your desktop aesthetic!
Great article, also linked it in the Preferences documentation, thanks!
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