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Common use cases and Integration points?



  • Aaron DeYonker
    Aaron DeYonker

    @... thank you so much.  We are currently working on a parts catalog set of functionality which is definitely headed in the direction you described!  This should be out in Q1 of next year and will focus more on part number information in the beginning.


  • Andrew Hale
    Andrew Hale

    Procurement systems integration might be a good one for the long term roadmap.  Probably a challenge though!


    Many of our scenarios walk users through how to perform maintenance of equipment.  They are instructed to remove parts, inspect them, and replace them if found worn/damaged.  I've always thought it would be super cool if they could order replacement parts from directly within the scenario.

  • Andrew Hale
    Andrew Hale

    Awesome!  I've been using WorkLink almost a year now, and am amazed at how often you add meaningful functions.  Looking forward to parts catalog focused functions!


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