Multiple ways to hide or look through an object for the end user
As an author, if you want to hide an object or make it transparent for an end user to look trough, there are multiple approaches you can take, depending on how you want the end user to experience the scenario:
- In case you want to make a material transparant over multiple steps that could be applied to multiple objects: modify the material in Object Properties.
For example:
Change the "Alpha Mode" to "Blend" and change the "Alpha" to 0.3 (30%)
- In case you want a single object to have a different appearance, select the object, and "Create New Material"
- If you want a quick ghosted effect, on a parent node and its children, an author could use visibility mode: hidden or ghosted for that object.
You can choose between Standalone or Device Mode, the intention is to create an end user experience, that can both be used for placing the object in an empty room (standalone) or placing the content on top of an existing device (device).
- If an author wants to appear or disappear an object, they could use a fade in/out timebar on that object in the timeline editor, and set a specific timing to execute that behavior. To do so, select an object in the step hierarchy, in the "Timeline Editor" "Add Selected to Timeline", then "+Timebar >" and "Fade Object In/Out"
- If an author wants to let the end user change the appearance of an object by tapping it, they could assign a visisbility toggle trigger on that object, so when a user taps the object, it becomes ghosted or hidden.
In this example, I'm setting a trigger on mesh object "HullMain_1", when an end user taps it, it will toggle the visibility mode of "StationaryParts" to "Ghosted" and back to the original visibility mode, every time an end user taps it.
Can you think of other ways to play around with object transparancy or appearance? Let me know in the comments below.
I've noticed with some scenarios if there is too much transparency, once we view it in the HoloLens 2 there is a lot of jitter in the objects with transparency. Besides using less transparency, is there any guidance on how to reduce or remove these artifacts?
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Hi, Greg, this may be related to a bug that is highly prioritized, but let me look into whether there are some workarounds for this issue in the meantime.
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James, just curious if you had found anything on this. I still see this issue in jobs created in C 2.11.2 and viewed on WL
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Hello Greg, we are checking with the team on the current status of this but I will convert this post to a support ticket so you can be updated as soon as possible. Thank you
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