WorkLink App FAQs
- How to Configure & Use an MDM
- FAQ: How to Download WorkLink APPX File from Microsoft Store for Offline Installation
- FAQ: Where to find the WorkLink App file installed on your Computer
- FAQ: Video and Audio issues troubleshooting
- Known issue - Bluetooth keyboard not supported for HoloLens 2 text entry
- Quizzes - Known Issues
- FAQ: What are the internet network requirements for WorkLink?
- FAQ: What devices are compatible with WorkLink?
- FAQ: Is my phone/tablet ready for augmented reality?
- FAQ: How do I download the WorkLink App from App Stores?
- FAQ: Is WorkLink compatible with RealWear devices?
- FAQ: What is Active Tracking?
- FAQ: Can a Technician use a Laptop/Desktop to initiate a WorkLink Remote Assistance call?
- FAQ: Forgot your password? Reset with WorkLink App or CMS
- FAQ: I haven't received my WorkLink invitation
- FAQ: I haven't received my Guest Invitation
- FAQ: How to view work instructions/scenarios on the WorkLink App
- FAQ: How do I place my content on a Surface (Surface Placement Mode)?
- FAQ: What are the best practices for Call Session Recording?
- FAQ: Is there a file size limit for session recording?
- FAQ: Call session recording is stuck on "Uploading" or "Waiting to Upload" for hours/days
- FAQ: Best Practices for using your Wireless Bluetooth earbuds for a Remote Assistance Session
- FAQ: I am unable to record a WorkLink session with my device - No "record" button
- FAQ: Why do I see "Surface not found" on my screen during a Remote Assistance Session?
- FAQ: Why can't I see the contacts list in the WorkLink app?
- FAQ: How do I launch a Public QR Code?
- FAQ: How to record your screen (Work Instruction) as a single user on an iPhone/iPad
- FAQ: Why am I seeing this error when signing into WorkLink on my HoloLens device: “User currently belongs to no companies. Please contact company admin to get a valid company role and license”?
- FAQ: How to log in/out of the WorkLink App on HoloLens 2
- FAQ: What happens when I have an incoming phone call on my device during my WorkLink Remote Assistance Session?