CMS: Understanding Origin group for Authors and Admins
An Origin group is an Author's main or primary group, this is where all of the Author's projects reside.
- Authors and Admins are required to have an Origin group upon license issuance, while other licensed users are automatically added to the default group (No Origin group assigned).
- Authors can only share projects in WorkLink Create with other authors in the same Origin Group.
To change an author's origin group:
- As an Admin, sign in to the CMS.
- Click on Users and search for the user.
- Click the unchecked box beside the user's name to select it, then click on the Edit User button.
3. The Edit User form in the image shown below will show the user's origin group in the Origin Group field. You can change the Origin Group by choosing another group that the user is a member of from the SELECT ORIGIN GROUP dropdown.
When an Author is moved from their Origin group to another group, they can no longer view the projects they created in WorkLink Create when they were a member of the Origin group. Moving the Author back to the previous Origin group will restore access.
Authors can only share projects in WorkLink Create with other Authors in the same Origin Group.