WorkLink Create: Sample demo projects
If you are a WorkLink Author and would like to see some sample projects in WorkLink Create, here are a few to help you get started.
For how to import a .zip project, can be found here.
Turbofan Demo Project
This is the project used in our demo video:
You can see how it's built by opening the project from the Demo Projects page on the welcome screen in WorkLink Create.
Genetic Analyzer Demo Project
This project includes a training sequence and a graded quiz.
Download this project here.
Circuit Breaker Demo Project
This project includes a menu, general overview and work instructions. Supported features include object tracking, camera and video insets, forms and imported .fbx animations.
Download this project here.
Additional Demo Projects
Turbofan: How does a Turbofan work?
A project that shows how a Turbofan works.
Turbofan: How to assemble the turbofan?
A project that shows how the 3D printed model of the turbofan can be assembled.
Turbofan: Object tracking accuracy testing.
A project that helps you evaluate accuracy of object tracking on the 3D printed turbofan model, including ghosted and line shaders.