WCTC 1.1.1: Introduction and example project
The video sets the stage for a detailed examination of the project planning document and its role in shaping the AR project. It discusses the following:
Introduction to Project Planning:
- Overview of the four stages of the authoring process: Project planning, content preparation, authoring, and publishing/distribution.
- Emphasis on the significance of project planning in setting the foundation for subsequent stages.
Project Planning Document:
- Introduction to the project planning document used at Scope AR, designed to guide the planning of augmented reality projects.
- The document aids in gathering essential information, asking pertinent questions, and establishing a framework for effective execution in later phases.
Simulating an Example Project:
- Switching to WorkLink Create to simulate an example AR experience for a genetic analyzer (3130 XL).
- Demonstrating the end-user perspective through the simulation, focusing on the various elements and pathways within the experience.
Content Exploration:
- Exploring the content placement step, where object and surface placement options are presented.
- Highlighting that the project supports both object tracking and surface placement, connecting to device modes.
Main Menu Exploration:
- Introducing the main menu with four options corresponding to different paths in the training experience.
- Detailing the asset (genetic analyzer) and its purpose for training technicians or maintenance personnel.
Experience Elements:
- Exploring an overview section, emphasizing the non-linear exploration of key machine components.
- Introducing features and benefits section for a high-level understanding.
Training Sequences and Maintenance Procedures:
- Navigating through training sequences, revealing three specific maintenance procedures.
- Briefly stepping through the safety orientation as an example of a linear experience.
- Highlighting a maintenance procedure (flushing the water trap) with an authoring style that requires intentional engagement.
Quizzing and Graded Assessment:
- Demonstrating the inclusion of quizzes and a graded assessment within the experience.
- Teasing the upcoming section on quizzing functionality in the training.
Transition to Project Planning Document:
- Preparing to transition to the project planning document for a granular analysis of its components.