WCTC 3.5.3: Authoring for Remote Assist: 3D Button & Transition Animations
This module discusses the first phase of creating an interactive experience using WorkLink Create for a 3D model. It further highlights the simplicity of the setup for models. The video content is summarized below:
Authoring for Remote AR Calls:
- Demonstrates a style of authoring for Remote AR calls, allowing users to augment remote assist calls with simple authoring.
- Emphasizes the flexibility of importing various content into remote AR calls, including the complete instruction authored in WorkLink Create.
Enhancing User Flexibility:
- Explores an advanced authoring technique to provide users with more flexibility.
- Creates an optional button using a cube and 3D text to allow users to open the model for a detailed view.
Preventing Animation Repeat:
- Addresses the need to prevent animations from repeating.
- Introduces a transition step with animations that stay open, avoiding the typical animation loop.
Setting Up a Button:
- Constructs a button with a cube and 3D text.
- Assigns actions to the button for transitioning to an open state.
Transition Steps:
- Creates a transition step for the model to open.
- Demonstrates the use of the "Move to Step" action to transition from closed to open.
Looping States:
- Establishes a loop between open and closed states for smooth transitions.
- Illustrates the ability to toggle between states seamlessly.
Authoring Styles and Techniques:
- Concludes by summarizing the demonstrated authoring styles.
- Highlights the flexibility and robustness of WorkLink Create in enabling unique authoring styles and fluid transitions.