FAQ: What are the consequences of using KeyShot for your models in Create?
We do not recommend the use of KeyShot for your WorkLink Create authoring because KeyShot does not do any compression/optimization with CAD assets rather it creates massive data bloat with both models and texture generation.
Running your models through KeyShot results in model bloating, i.e. the model import will create the highest tri count resolution possible from CAD data. This ultimately causes publishing and loading issues.
An author using KeyShot will notice the creation of Normal maps, Specular and about 10 other channel maps that are included at GLB export (All 4k+, hidden from user). Finally, the user will notice that the UV unwrap in KeyShot stretches so badly negating visual effects.
Alternatively, you can export .stp direct from Solidworks or import Native. Translate/Optimize in Create to control Tricount. Abandon any bump effect and use standard/diffuse materials in Create. Use Photoshop for labels/decals to control resolution and alpha.