CMS: Viewing Work Instruction/Scenario Session Data in the CMS
A WorkLink Company Administrator has access to Work Instruction Session Data in the WorkLink CMS. There are a couple different ways this information can be viewed:
Company Level
A WorkLink Company Administrator can view Work Instruction Session Data specific to a set of work instructions. To do this:
1. Select Content on the left-hand navigation menu.
2. Select Scenarios on the top menu
3. Under Scenario Name, click a specific work instruction.
4. Once selected, you can see the following details:
- QR Code - A specific QR code for that work instruction.
- Type - Details on whether the work instruction is a demo, passive, or persistent session.
- Source Project - Which project the scenario is connected to.
- Version - Which version of the scenario it is.
- Last Published By - The WorkLink Author that published the latest version.
- Published To - Which group the scenario is published and visible to.
- Shared With -
- In Catalogs - Which catalogs the scenario is a part of.
- Link - Specific sharing link for the scenario.
The following two headings provide more information:
- Sessions - A list of specific sessions for that scenario.
- Versions - A list of version history for that scenario.
User Level
A WorkLink Company Administrator can also go directly to a user's profile to view Work Instruction Session data.
1. Select Users in the side-navigation bar, then click on the user.
2. Here you will see the user's most recent Work Instruction Session history. The details that are provided include:
Session ID: This is a unique description/number assigned per session for a specific user for the duration of the user's activity.
User: The name of the user.
Duration: The time spent per session.
Type: The type of session i.e. Work Instruction.
Progress: This shows the progress level in percentage.
Version: This shows the version of the published work the user accessed. For example, v1 is the first version published by the author, if the project is modified and republished on Create, it becomes v2.
Work Instruction Session Details
1. For more detailed information about a specific session, click on the Session ID.
2. This page is an overview of the details of a specific Work Instruction session. You can find:
- Type - A description of the type of session that the work instruction was: demo, passive, or persistent.
- User - The user that used the work instructions.
- Date - Date and time of the session.
- Duration - Length of time spent on the session.
- Create Build & Version - Which version of WorkLink Create was used to author the work instructions.
- Details - Specific information on the sessions sequence and the time the user spent on each step.
3. Select Events to view the details of the session and filter them by event type.
The WorkLink Company Administrator may also Delete the Work Instruction Session or Download the information into a csv.
Quiz Data
For more information about understanding the quiz data, read:
CMS: Viewing Scenario Session Quiz Data