WorkLink Create: The Form Editor (Formerly known as Checklist Editor)
The Form editor allows an author to feature a question/checklist item (text, checkbox, number, photo, multiple option or barcode) in a project. The priority can be set to Passive, Auto Open or Force View. The Checklist Editor is now called the Form Editor in WorkLink Create 2.6.0. The Form Editor is an upgrade and it comes with an improved look. The video below summarizes this functionality:
- Authors can create a checklist item (question(s)) for any step in the project.
- The user's response to the questions will be uploaded to a secured server, and stamped with username, time and location. This information is available on the CMS. Here is how to access it.
- Each question type represents a different type of information.
- All questions consist of an instructional prompt, followed by some sort of user response.
- You can simulate your work using the "Start Simulation" button at the top of the scene before publishing.
Response Types
- Text: Any keyboard characters can be input. (e.g. “Describe the problem”) *
- Checkbox: Confirmation checkbox. (e.g. “Please confirm you are wearing safety glasses”) *
- Number: Any numerical value can be input. (e.g. “Enter the torque setting used”) *
- Photo: Prompts the user to use the device to take a picture. (e.g. “Take a photo showing the correct fit”)
- Multi Option: Offers the user multiple choice. You can setup up to 100 options (e.g. “Which most closely describes the condition of the part?” Excellent, Good, Poor, Very Poor)
- Barcode: Prompts the user to use the device’s camera to scan a barcode.
* Text, Number and Checkbox response types allow "prefill", and end user will be able to edit it, but this value will be prefilled in their response form.
This allows authors to prefill a value in the box:
- Text: allows any type of string and text variables with similar output
- Checkbox: allows 0 or 1 as input and text variables with similar output
- 0 = checkbox disabled
- 1 = checkbox enabled
- Number: allows numeric input and text variables with similar output
Priority Types
Each checklist item has a "Priority” setting that determines how it will behave. The current “Priority” types are:
Force View
- The checklist item will be forced to display when the user chooses to go to the next step for the first time. If the checklist item is not completed the user is not prevented from proceeding.
- The checklist item will not open until the user opens it. If the checklist item is not completed the user is not prevented from proceeding.
Auto Open
- The checklist will be forced to display when the user chooses to go to the next step. If the checklist item is not completed the user is prevented from proceeding.
Adding a Checklist Item/Question
- Go to the "Form Editor"
- Select the Priority type from the dropdown to determine the action required by the user.
- Enter a description.
- Select "Question Type" from the list.
- Enable/disable "Must Respond" action
Remove a Checklist Item/Question
- Go to the "Form Editor"
- Click on the remove icon to delete the checklist item/question.