Introducing WorkLink App 2.12.42
We are happy to announce new updates to the WorkLink App. This version focuses on exciting new features and defect fixes.
New Features
- Graded Quizzes - This release adds grading of quizzes to our system. Quizzes can now be set to be graded assessments and the WorkLink app will then calculate the score based on the answers provided, showing a pass/fail result at the end of the quiz, and reporting your score result back to the CMS.
- Scenario list shows scenario quiz status - The scenario list has been updated to show information about the status of quizzes. It will now show whether the quiz has been attempted, if there is a quiz in progress, and the score and pass/fail status of the quiz. It will also now prompt the user to determine the state in which to launch the quiz.
- New persistent-per-user scenario type - A new type of scenario has been added to the system. The persistent-per-user scenario type will only allow the user that started the session to be able to finish it. It will also limit a user to having only one session in progress for a scenario. For that type of scenario, users will only see sessions that they started. This is particularly useful for quiz scenarios where the user that starts the quiz needs to be the one that finishes it and other users should not see their in-progress session.
- Support for Line material type - A Line type of material has been added to Create and this change supports that feature. When applying this material to an object, the object is drawn in an outline view showing the edges of the object. The rest of the object is shown as transparent.
- IOT Data - Alpha - An initial alpha version of IOT data and conditional logic based on that data has been added to this release. This functionality is for customers that are helping to define the IOT data functionality to experiment the capabilities we have so far. This capability is largely hidden at this point and can be enabled for specific scenarios.
Defect Fixes
- IOS16 Support.
- Camera freezing when placing content (after using interactive mode or not) on the WorkLink App.
- Triggers may not work when using object triggers with callout triggers.
- Rotation and translation problems with nested objects.
- Fade animations not working on text with special characters.
- HoloLens near interaction with object triggers only works on the first step.
- Zooming in very small object can cause content to go black.
- A scenario with forms but no content can get stuck.
- Unable to go back to previous steps after resuming a session.
- Rotate and scale adjustments not working well with surface alignment.