Introducing WorkLink App 2.15.2
We are happy to announce the release of WorkLink App version 2.15.2. This update contains the following;
New features
Nudge gizmo is now oriented in content space rather than world space: The previous implementation of the nudge gizmo was oriented in world space, which meant that the axis was dependent on how the world space was initiated. This made the orientation of the gizmo’s axis different every time it was used. Now, the gizmo’s axis is based on the orientation of the content that was placed. This means that the orientation of its axis is always the same relative to the content that is being moved. This should provide for a much better user experience for users of this feature.
Additional logging added for public catalogs: There are certain Android devices that will occasionally fail to load a public catalog. This release adds additional logging to that process so that when this fails, there will be information available on why it is failing.
Bug Fixes
- Inlier setting for model tracking not being applied correctly: When the user changed the inlier setting for model tracking, this new value was not being correctly applied to the scenario and the default value was being used instead. This would cause the model to not be locked properly to a recognized object. This has now been corrected.
- Unable to connect to Zeus in a UDP-only network: When in a network that has TCP communication blocked, the app is forced to use UDP. In this case the app was not correctly connecting to Zeus which would then prevent the user from getting contacts in their contact list and consequently prevent them from using calling functionality. This has now been resolved and it is now fully functional in that network environment.