Introducing WorkLink App 2.18.0
We are excited to release a new update for the WorkLink App. This version focuses on new features and bug fixes. Here's what's new:
New Features
- Ability for multiple companies to use the same SSO Identity Provider: There are large corporations that have different divisions of their company setup as individual companies in the WorkLink system. Previously, only one of those companies could be connected to the corporate Identity Provider. Now multiple companies in our system can be connected to the same Identity Provider for SSO authentication. Support for the CMS and Create were added in earlier releases of those products. This feature now completes this functionality across the entire WorkLink suite.
- Improvements for UI Editor: Audio Insets and Safe Areas: This release adds additional capabilities for the UI Editor. This is a feature set that is not yet in general release but is available on a limited basis. The ability for audio inset as well as proper accounting for the UI to adjust for the iPhone notch and the dynamic island functionality on newer iPhones, is now a part of this release.
- Memory optimizations for logging: When logging what is happening on the app, this functionality was consuming more memory than it needed to. This has now been adjusted to greatly improve how much memory is used by background logging.
Bug Fixes
- Custom materials used in content placement would not initiate correctly: When using custom materials in the model used for content placement, it could cause the content placement step to not load correctly. This has now been resolved.
- Using variable names in expressions more than once in a step condition: When using text variables in a step condition expression more than once, the expression would then fail to evaluate correctly. This has now been resolved and this is now possible.
- Video Insets failing to play in some scenarios: When using video insets in steps, sometimes these video insets were unable to be played and the video would be unresponsive to the play command. This has now been resolved and all videos will play as expected.
- Unable to load scenario from a deep link in certain cases: In some situations, when using a deep link that should load a scenario, an error could be displayed that the scenario could not be found. This has now been resolved.