Introducing WorkLink App 2.21.0
New Features
- Naming Persistent Sessions: The latest version adds the option to name the session with details such as the work order that can be helpful to other users when resuming the active session. When users exit the scenario menu, they is a confirmation prompt with the optional text field for the name. When other users view the list of active sessions they will see the session name. Note: for the app to allow users to save and view session names, the CMS should be at least v3.23.0.
Bug Fixes
- UI Editor 2.0: graphical issues on scaled displays on Windows: Before this release, scenarios with new UI templates did not render on scaled displays on Windows, but this has been resolved.
Error reporting when call session recordings fail: On rare occasions call session recordings can fail when the app is unable to zip up the session recording file for transmission, but there is no user feedback that there was an error. This has been resolved with a more informative error message when this occurs and allows the user to retry the session transmission.