CMS: CMS Company Administrators
Each company will have a Company Administrator that is responsible for managing the WorkLink CMS. This involves managing company settings, user administration, scenarios and call management, and viewing analytics. As a company admin, once you sign in to the WorkLink CMS, you will see the following Menu on the left-hand side. Here is an overview of what each menu will allow you to do:
Company Info
The Overview shows the list of all admins in your company and the number of used and available licenses for your company. There are also many additional company settings: EULA, SSO, API Tokens, Audit Log, Settings, and Plan Usage.
Learn More: CMS: Company Info Menu
This shows the list of Employees (users) in your company - Their name, username, email, job title, group, license and the status of their account. You can add a new user from this page. You are also able to view the list of guest users here.
Learn More: CMS: Managing Users
This shows the list of groups in your company - It breaks down the name of the group(s), the number of members, scenarios, etc. You can add a new group from this page.
Learn More: CMS: How to Create Groups and Assign Members
This allows you to choose, download and install the current version of the WorkLink App on your device.
Learn More: CMS: Downloads Menu
This page displays all scenarios and catalogs records for your company.
Learn more: CMS: The Content Page
This page displays a history of calls made by users.
Learn more: CMS: WorkLink Calls
This page displays analytics for calling and scenarios in your company.
Learn more: CMS: The Analytics Page - Calling & Scenario Analytics
Developer Tools
Developer Tools is where Webhooks and Integrations are set up. Contact your Scope AR Customer Success Manager to understand whether this is applicable to your organization.
Learn more: CMS: Developer Tools - Webhooks and Integrations
Help & Support
Clicking the Help & Support Menu will open a new browser tab and take you to the WorkLink Help Center's articles about the WorkLink CMS. You can browse the articles for further information about the CMS.