Introducing WorkLink CMS 3.25.0
The latest release of the WorkLink CMS v3.25.0 comes with several improvements and bug fixes. The highlights are as follows:
New User Onboarding
This release will now direct new users with Scenario Viewing and/or Calling licenses after creating their accounts to a website to download the WorkLink app to their device. Before, these users were directed to the CMS which was confusing and led some users to think that the CMS was how they load scenarios and use Remote Assist. There are no changes for users with author, administrator, or analyst license. Authors will be directed to WorkLink Create and the latter to the CMS.
Bug Fixes
Selecting Viewer after Author when inviting a new user causes an error
When an administrator is inviting a new user, first selects the Author license, and then changes it to the Scenario Viewer license it causes an error that the form is not valid. Now the administrator can change the scenario license without any errors.
Build number missing from the release version
Several versions ago, there was functionality added that displayed the build number along with the release version. After a build change, this functionality was lost. This has now been restored.