WorkLink Create: translate, rotate and scale using the Gizmo
Gizmos are how the user controls an object's Pivot Point, i.e. Movement, Rotation, and Scale. The Gizmo display can be toggled “On or “Off” depending on user preferences.
Mouse over the icons to see tooltips and discover their Keyboard Shortcuts.
You can manipulate an object using the WER hotkeys. Manipulating an object is done through the Pivot Point. When you select an object you will see a gizmo appear in the location of the object's pivot point.
- W=Translate - Dragging the handles will drag the object in the x (red), y (green) or z (blue) direction. Dragging the white planes can translate over 2 axis simultaneously (e.g. x and z to free drag over the x,z plane.) This can also be selected from the Gizmo toolbar.
- E= Rotate - Dragging the circles will rotate the object in the xyz direction around the object's pivot. This can also be selected from the Gizmo toolbar.
- R= Scale - Dragging the handles will scale the object in the xyz direction from the object's pivot. To uniformly scale the object, a user can drag the white cubes at the end of each xyz axis.
Other information
Shortcut Q: Use shortcut "Q" to hide Gizmo.
- Gizmo movement applies on world space (toggle X): This means that the gizmo is oriented relative to the entire scene (world) (eg. when the parent is rotated 45 degrees, when selecting its child, its gizmo won't be affected, it will be upright.)
- Gizmo movement applies on local scale (toggle X): This means the gizmo is oriented relative to its parent (local) (eg. when the parent is rotated 45 degrees, when selecting its child, its gizmo will be rotated over 45 degrees.)
- Gizmo at the center of the selected object (Toggle Z): When multi -selecting, it will use a pivot of one of the selected objects.
- Gizmo at the average center of the selected objects (Toggle Z): Setting will only make a difference when multi selecting.
More information about local and world space can be found here in our community post.
Learn more: What is a Pivot point?